Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Reading: Students went to the library today and checked out mystery books for the final book report.  They will get started on these books this week in class.  There is a set of brainstorming/notetaking sheets that they will fill in as they read that will make writing the book report easier.  Students that did not remember their library card or who chose not to check out a book will be expected to have a mystery with them when they come to class tomorrow.

Spelling:  There is no spelling homework this week.

Point system for Michigan's Adventure begins today.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

Reading: Students worked on a "States Riddles" worksheet.  It is due tomorrow.

Non-fiction book report is due tomorrow!!!

Students will be going to the library on Monday and they need to bring their library card. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

There was an assembly this morning, so language arts classes did not move ahead with assignments.  We did practice matching pronouns to verbs so that the sentences were correct.
Spelling homework is due tomorrow.
Non-fiction book report is due Friday.
Signature on the Michigan's Adventure point letter is due to 8th hour teachers by Friday.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spelling homework is due Thursday at the begining of the hour.
Reading: Continued with our mystery unit.  Began a discussion of problem solving and how often students need to use problem solving skills.  Students studied inductive and deductive reasoning. Students have a deductive reasoning worksheet.  The vocabulary worksheet started in class on Friday is due tomorrow.
English: Students investigated possessive pronouns.  Homework is pronoun worksheet 82/83.

 On Monday students were given the information about the point system for the Michigan's Adventure trip.  This point sustem will begin on Monday, April 30th. Please review this information with your child, sign the parent sheet, and have your child return the form by Friday.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Reading:   Students reviewed the vocabulary words that were introduced earlier this week.  There is no homework.

Assignment alert: Non-fiction book reports are due next Friday.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spelling homework was due today.  Spelling quiz taken.
Reading: Continued reading "Lob's Girl".  Discussion of the "mystery" will be tomorrow.  Students have a Selection Test for homework that is due tomorrow.
English: Students reviewed possessive pronouns.  Assigned a pronoun/antecedent worksheet for homework that is due tomorrow.

An antecedent is the noun that the pronoun replaces.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

  Students investigated vocabulary words important to the mystery genre.
They also began reading "Lob's Girl" in their textbook.

In English we are learning about pronouns and antecedents.

Spelling homework is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Sorry that there was no posting yesterday.  I was in a school improvement meeting all day.

Spelling: Homework this week that is due on Thursday.
Reading: Yesterday students read "Loch Ness Monster". Tonight's homework is to complete the Selection test and vocabulary worksheet that go along with this literature.  Both worksheets are due tomorrow.
Students began their investigation of the mystery genre.  They will examine the clues to identify the elements of the genre and undo the suspense related to unknown words and concepts.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

 Students began to put the finishing touches on their
freedom essay.  The final draft of this assignment is
due Monday at the beginning of the hour.

Monday we will begin a new genre study-Mystery novels.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Students continued their work on the justice essay.  Final copy of the essay will be due on Monday.  Students will have class time tomorrow to continue working on this essay.

Core Democratic Value Writing Assignment
You are famous civil rights attorney and you have been asked to address the Harvard law school students about the history of civil rights laws in America. You need to write a historical essay about equality and justice during the last 150 years.
o Correctly define equality and justice, in your own words (10)

o Provide detailed examples from at least three historical accounts discussed in class (30)

o Provide your own analysis of equality and justice (20)

o Correct essay format (25)

ü Complete introduction

ü Fully developed paragraphs

ü Well written conclusion

o Name and title at top of the essay


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Students continued to work on their "Equality/Justice" essay.  It has not been assigned for homework.  They are still working on it in class.

Writing: Students in first and third hours have a "From Here to There" essay due tomorrow.  It does not have to be in ink or typed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Core Democratic Value Writing Assignment
                You are famous civil rights attorney and you have been asked to address the Harvard law school students about the history of civil rights laws in America.  You need to write a historical essay about equality and justice during the last 150 years.
o    Correctly define equality and justice, in your own words (10)

o    Provide detailed examples from at least three historical accounts discussed in class (30)

o    Provide your own analysis of equality and justice (20)

o    Correct essay format (25)

ü  Complete introduction

ü  Fully developed paragraphs

ü  Well written conclusion

o    Name and title at top of the essay (5)

o    In ink or typed (5)

o    Proofreading has been done (5)
Writing: This writing assignment was started in class today.  It has not been assigned for homework.  We will be working on it in class until Thursday.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

  Hope everyone had a delightful spring break.  We are into the home stretch for the 2011-2012 school year!!

Spelling: Due to the delayed start, there is no spelling homework this week.
English/Writing: Students have completed the prepositions unit in English.  They have a writing assignment, "How to Get From Here to There", that is due on Thursday.  This is the final test over prepositional phrases. 
Reading:  Non-fiction book report is due April 27th.  Before spring break students went to the library to check out an apporpriate non-fiction book.  There is a rubric to help students remember what needs to be included in their book report.