Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Reading: We finished reading Act I of The Phantom Tollbooth.   Students have an Open Book test, #s 1-11, for homework.

English/Writing: Review of adjectives.  Students will be writing a descriptive poem about a favorite place.  Tonight's homework is the brainstorming sheet for the project, "Smelling the Roses".  It is due tomorrow.

  Sure glad that weather system is over!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reading: Students are reading the drama format of The Phantom Tollbooth in class.  Each student has a part to read.  We are reading this in class only.

             Homework: Vocabulary worksheet (prefixes and suffixes) due tomorrow

English: Students began to study comparative adjectives.

              Homework: Comparing with adjectives worksheet 53/54

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Those students who are eligible will be going ice skating tomorrow.

Today in language arts, we took care of some housekeeping duties: 2nd marking period writing folder, free assignment passes, and changing of seats.  Students also wrote down their goals for this semester in their writing journals.

English: We started our unit on adjectives.  Students have an adjective worksheet for homework that is due tomorrow.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

No spelling homework this week.

This is the first day of the 3rd marking period.  Most of last marking period's assignments are recorded and can no longer be turned in.

The following assignments that were given in last marking period WILL BE on the 3rd marking period's grades:
           Fractured Folk Tale writing assignment (due last week)
           4-paragraph conflict essay (due today)
           Selection Test #116 (due today)

Today is the first day of the rest of the school year!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1st hour exam was today.

2nd and 3rd hours:
    Reading: Students have a comprehension worksheet to go with "Dragon, Dragon".
   Writing:  Students have a 4-paragraph essay about conflict to write.

   Both assignments are due on Monday.

This is the last week of the first semester.  Monday is a new beginning.  Students should plan now for making their last semester a successful one. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reading:  Students read the traditional tale "Dragon, Dragon".  Because of exams, the homework assignment is different for 1st hour and the other hours.
                       1st hour: Selection Test
                                      Conflicts essay
                         Both assignments are due next Monday.
                         Mid-term exam tomorrow

                       Hours 2 & 3: Herringbone graphic organizer due tomorrow
                                    Mid-term exam is on Thursday

Remember that students will be dismissed at 1:45 on Thursday and Friday.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Students went over the study guide for the language arts mid-term exam.  Only the information on the study guide will be on the test.

Test schedule:
   Wednesday-1st hour
    Thursday- 2nd and 3rd hours

There is no spelling homework this week.



Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reading: Selection test and reading comprehension worksheet for homework.  Due tomorrow.
English: Continued working on confusing verbs. Practice sheet for homework.
Writing; Fractured folktale assignment due tomorrow at the beginning of the hour.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2012

English: Students worked on "trouble" verbs which are "sit", "set", "lay", "lie", "rise", "raise".

Reading: Students worked in pairs on a plot diagram and story summary of "Breaker's Bridge". The assignment was due at the end of the hour today.

Spelling: Homework is due tomorrow at the beginning of the hour.

Writing: Fractured folktale is due on Friday.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

English:  Students continued work with subject/verb agreement.  There is a practice worksheet for homework tonight.

Reading: We discussed the story elements of "Breaker's Bridge" in class. We examined the theme, character analysis, and cause/effect.  Students have an Open Book test for homework.

Fractured Folk Tale is due on Friday, January 11th.
Mid-terms in all core classes start on January 16th.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

The end of the marking period and the end of the first semester is fast approaching.  Any late work or missing assignments will become zeros on January 18th.

Mid-term exams will be given January 16, 17, and 18.  Students will be dismissed at 1:45 on the 17th and 18th.

Spelling: Homework is due Thursday at the beginning of the hour.  This week we are focusing on synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.  Spelling has a very different format this week.

knight      night     male     mail     pray     prey     plain     fancy     weak    strong    right     wrong

                                      freedom     liberty     same     identical     job     work

Reading: Students were assigned the folk tale "Breaker's Bridge". By tomorrow, they need to be able to identify the theme, the character traits, and examples of cause/effect.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and the vacation from homework!

6th grade students are taking the Stanford Achievement Test today and tomorrow.  The test will be administered during the morning core classes and will take the entire morning both days.

Students were assigned a writing project on Wednesday.  They will be writing a fractured folk tale.  The final copy of the folk tale is due on January 11th.

Fractured Folk Tale                 

          Write and illustrate a fractured folk tale

                                Final project is due:

Your task is to write and illustrate a fractured folk tale.The story must have a developed plot. Both your story and illustration should show great creativity.Turn on your brain and let the creative juices flow.

Brainstorm possible folk/fairy tales.Include setting, characters, and main plot events. Remember you cannot use the Cinderella plot.

Brainstorm story elements for your tale.

Include setting, characters, and the main plot events.
Brainstorm possible illustration ideas.

Scoring Rubric:

__ Well Developed plot(10)

__ Fully developed characters(10)

__ Good use of dialogue(10)

__ Proofreading!!(10)

__Illustration is creative(10)

__Illustration shows time/effort(10)

__Project is completed on time