Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Spelling- working on words with the suffix "ous".  Spelling homework is due Friday.  Spelling quiz is Friday.

        continuous         nervous       glorious      curious       cautious       tremendous      various

                                                 industrious        precious       courageous

Writing:  Personal narratives are due November 21st.
     Students will be writing a personal narrative.  They were given a rubric.  A personal narrative is a true story about the student.  The narrator of the story is the main character.  Students should choose one event in their life that taught them a life lesson.  They should write using dialogue and lots of details.  There should be a problem/solution, internal conflict, external conflict, and one person's viewpoint.

Wednesday is a half day of school.  Students will be dismissed at 11:00.

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