Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Students who turned in the Cinderella Project are watching the Disney multi-cultural  version of Cinderella.  Those students who are still working on the project are not watching the movie and are working on their projects out in the hallway.

There is no homework this week.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday and Tuesday, December 17/18, 2012

No homework this week unless a student needs to complete the Cinderella Project.  It is due at the end of the hour tomorrow.  Students have a checklist of everything that needs to be turned in for points.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Students continue their work on the Cinderella project.  Most students are making terrific progress!!  Because of the delayed start on Monday, they will not have Monday's class to work on it.  The project is due Tuesday at the end of each class period.

There is no other homework.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of December 10-14, 2012

Spelling: homework is due Thursday at the beginning of the hour.

      shoveling        beginning      modeling       bothered       pardoned       permitting
      piloting           forgetting      wondering     answering     listening        limited

    Students will be working on the Cinderella Project the entire week.  After students have read their four chosen cultural versions of Cinderella , they will organize their notes into paragraphs and write a compare/contrast essay.  The completed project is due on December 18th.

Cinderella Project Scoring Guide
o    Character analysis worksheet (10 pts.)     _____

o    Story element chart (20 pts.)     _____

o    Venn Diagrams (16 pts.)     _____

o    Essay organization chart (24 pts.)    _____

o    Name (5 pts.)  _____
                                                                          Total possible: 75 pts.     _____

o    Title  (5 pts.)     _____

o     Introduction paragraph with creative hook and purpose sentence (10 pts.)    _____

o    Paragraph to compare first two stories read (10 pts.)   _____

o    Paragraph to contrast first two stories read (10 pts.)    _____

o    Paragraph to compare third and fourth stories (10 pts.)    _____

o    Paragraph to contrast third and fourth stories (10 pts.)     _____

o    Paragraph to identify which story you liked best and why (10 pts.)  _____

o    Rough draft showing the editing and proofreading corrections (10 pts.)  _____

o    Final draft has been edited and proofread (10 pts.)   _____

o    Typed or in blue/black ink (10 pts.)   _____

o    Turned in on time (5 pts.)  _____

Total possible: 100 pts.    _____
                                                                                           Grand total: _____


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday, December 5- 7, 2012

Students began work on their "Cinderella Project".  Students will be reading and analyzing four differect cultural versions of Cinderella.  Most of the work for this project will be done in class and we will devote the next two weeks to its completion. Except for spelling, there will be no homework for the next two weeks.  Students who use class time wisely will have no problem meeting the due date of December 19th.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reading: Students began a study of the traditional tales genre.  Today's in-class assignment was to read "Mowgli's Brothers" starting on page 208.  Once they were finished reading, they worked on Selection Test #56.  Those who did not finish needed to take it home for homework.

English: We continued our review of irregular verbs.  Student have a test over irregular verbs on December 13th.
     Homework: Irregular verbs packet which is due tomorrow.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Spelling homework (verbs) is due on Thursday.

                cough        gallop       cheer       hopping      hoping       ignite       confuse
                              received         descend        invite        lose          tense

Writing: Students wrote an in-class four-paragraph essay entitled "Making a Difference".