Thursday, October 31, 2013


Writing: Students continued to work on their cause/effect writing.  Final copy is due onTuesday.
Reading: Reviewed the story "Zlateh".
       HW: Reading comprehension worksheets that are due Monday



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday/Wednesday October 29/30, 2013

Sorry for the missing post yesterday- have been having difficulty accessing my page.

Reading: Students had Open Book test # 25 for homework.  Today we worked on a time line for the story "Zlateh".

English: Continued to practice action verbs, auxiliary verbs, and verb phrases.  Students had verbe worksheet # 31 for homework. 

Writing: Poetry project was due yesterday. Today students began brainstorming personal examples of cause/effect. Short writing assignment is due November 5th.  It will be the first writing grade for the new marking period.

Important information:
   1. First marking period ends Friday.  All missing assignments for this marking period will become "0"s.  Report cards will go home some time next week.
   2.  Sixth graders will be going roller skating on November 6th.  Students with a failing grade in any core class or a behavioral referral to the principal, will not be able to go.
   3.  There is no party for Halloween in sixth grade and students have been asked not to wear costumes.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Reading: Students read "Zlateh the Goat" in class.  We are reviewing the story elements of setting, plot, and problem/solution this week.

English: Began unit on verbs.  Today reviewed action verbs and auxiliary (helping) verbs.

Writing: Poetry project is due tomorrow.

November 1st is the end of the marking period.  There is no school that day, so all missing assignments will become "0"s at 3:00 on Thursday.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Reading: students reviewed setting and character traits for the story "Stray".

Writing: students continued to work on their poetry project, "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow". Final draft is due October 29th.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reading: HW is Selection Test #4 that is due tomorrow.

Writing: Students began work on a poetry assignment, "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow". 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


English: Continued review of plural/possessive nouns.
Reading: Read the short story "Stray" and identified examples of cause/effect.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

  Reading: Students have a reading comprehension worksheet for homework.  They only need to complete the comprehension side.  We will finish the cause/effect side in class tomorrow.

 English: This is the review week for nouns.  There is a worksheet about appositives for homework.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

1st hour only: Students took a timed writing test. They chose a topic from a list and needed to write a four paragraph analysis of the topic.  It was turned in at the end of the hour.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Book Report is due next Thursday, October 24th!!!!

No homework this weekend.

English: Students began working with appositives.
   An appositive is "a group of words added to a sentence to provide more information about the noun."
          ex.  Jennifer, my daughter's friend, is having a birthday party today.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

This is another MEAP week.  Students will be taking the MEAP all morning on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please make sure to eat a great breakfast and get plenty of sleep.

  Reading:  no assignment today or for homework.

  English: continuing to work on possessive nouns.
      HW: Due Friday  possessive noun worksheets and flap book

  Writing: no writing assignment this week.  Book report is due on October 24th.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, October 19, 2013

MEAP testing is completed for this week.  We will be back on a normal schedule tomorrow.

Reading: The comprehension packets that were given to students on Monday are due tomorrow.

Writing: The "Shoe"story is due tomorrow.  Students must hand in a rough draft and a final draft.

Extra credit in language arts for a box of Kleenex.  

6th grade will try one more time to walk to the tennis courts tomorrow for our Fun Friday activity.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Students will be reading two short stories this week, "Aaron's Gift" and "Water".  There are comprehension activities for these stories that need to be completed by Friday.  Because of MEAP testing, daily schedules will be different.  Students will receive the weekly homework on Monday and will have all week to complete it.

Students will continue working on possessive nouns.  There is homework sheet that is due on Friday.

Students will continue to work on their "Shoe" stories on Monday.  Final drafts will be due on Friday.

There are many late or fix papers that need to be turned in.  These assignments must be turned in by 3:00 on Thursday.


Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

English: began to discuss possessive nouns.

Writing: students began to work on a "Shoe" story.  They needed to choose a type of shoe, from 10 different styles, and write a four paragraph short story.  They worked on the story in class and will continue to work on the story in class on Monday.  The final draft is due October 11th.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

English: Continued practice of plural nouns.
      HW:  Plural noun worksheet #32 (both sides)

Reading:  Students continued working on their literary elements chart
               Continued to work on the  questions on pg. 12 (due tomorrow)
             HW: Selection test #1   do not have to do the three essay questions

MEAP testing begins on Tuesday!!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

English:  Students continued to work on plural nouns  

Reading:  Students read "Sound of Summer Running" silently in class.  There were two in-class assignments:
      Complete the literary terms chart
      Answer the questions on pg. 12  #s 2,3,5 all parts and 6 (a) only.

   These assignments are not homework.  They will continue to work on them tomorrow in class.

MEAP testing begins next week.
Students will earn five points of extra credit if they bring in a box of Kleenex.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

English: review of proper/common nouns and began review of plural nouns

              HW: nouns worksheet #30

Reading: vocabulary activities
              HW: vocabulary worksheet #1