Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday/Wednesday October 29/30, 2013

Sorry for the missing post yesterday- have been having difficulty accessing my page.

Reading: Students had Open Book test # 25 for homework.  Today we worked on a time line for the story "Zlateh".

English: Continued to practice action verbs, auxiliary verbs, and verb phrases.  Students had verbe worksheet # 31 for homework. 

Writing: Poetry project was due yesterday. Today students began brainstorming personal examples of cause/effect. Short writing assignment is due November 5th.  It will be the first writing grade for the new marking period.

Important information:
   1. First marking period ends Friday.  All missing assignments for this marking period will become "0"s.  Report cards will go home some time next week.
   2.  Sixth graders will be going roller skating on November 6th.  Students with a failing grade in any core class or a behavioral referral to the principal, will not be able to go.
   3.  There is no party for Halloween in sixth grade and students have been asked not to wear costumes.

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