Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3-7th, 2014

All student are working on their "Neverland" project. Students are creating their own Neverland, using a variety of materials.  We talked about the project and discussed the rubric last Friday.  While students can bring home their projects to work on, it has not been assigned as homework. We will be devoting class time each day to the islands.

 English: Students will have a dialogue worksheet for homework on Tuesday.

Neverland Project                          
                                                Final project is due: Feb. 7

   Neverland is the magical island in the middle of every child’s mind.”
What does your Neverland look like?

Brainstorm possible attractions, places, landscapes, etc.

Brainstorm map elements.

 Brainstorm possible illustration ideas. 
Are there embellishments you can use?

Scoring Rubric:

__ Well Developed attractions/items(15)

__ Fully developed map elements(10)

__ Colorful(15)

__ Proofreading!!(10)

__Illustrations are creative(15)

__Illustrations show time/effort(15)

__Project is completed on time(10)

Total _____/90


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