Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Spelling: This week's words are adjectives and adverbs.  Homework is due on Thursday.

       carefully     warmly     closer     higher     slowly     outside     silently     yesterday
       tomorrow     handsome     severe     heavy     delicious     awkward     polite     enormous
                                               soon     finally     easily     young

Reading: Today we began our study of non-fiction.  The first few historical narratives that we will be reading are about the civil rights movement.  Today's selection was "Abraham Lincoln: Backwoods Boy".  Students needed to read the selection and begin answering the questions on pg. 324.

English: We are continuing with the study of modifiers.

March is Reading Month.  Our theme is a tribute to Dr. Seuss, "Grab Your Hat and Read With the Cat".  An informational letter is being sent home with all middle-schoolers.


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