Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013


English- continued working on pronoun use.
      HW: Pronoun worksheet #129

Reading: Discussed "How To" essay.
      HW: Selection Test # 99-101     #s 1-20 and essay question

Writing: "How to Make My Favorite Cookie" essay  is due April 23
           Four paragraph essay- introduction, description of necessary materials, step-by-step          
                 directions necessary to  make the cookies, descriptive concluding paragraph.

Students have an opportunity to contribute to a "Letter Capsule".  They are working to fill a large container with letters they have written to themselves or to their friends.  The capsule will be stored in the ceiling until the night of their senior prom.  Parents and other relatives can also write letters.  Make sure letters are in an envelope with the student's name on the front.

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