Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Reading: Students continued working on the comprehension questions for "Titanic".
           They began work on a comic strip project that is due on April 16th.  Students will be given  class time to work on their project. 

Spelling homework is due tomorrow.

Titanic Comic Strip Project


                                Final project is due:

   Your task is to create a comic strip about the sinking of the Titanic. The strip must have all of the main events. Your illustrations should be worthy of newspaper publication. Your illustrations should show great creativity. Turn on your brain and let the creative juices flow.
Brainstorm the storyline.  Include setting, characters, and main plot events.
Brainstorm elements of a comic strip.
You must show me a rough draft before you can get the paper for the final copy.
Make sure you have planned out everything that will be on your final comic strip.
Make sure you have checked for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
Scoring Rubric:
__ Well developed sequence
__ Fully developed characters
__ Good use of dialogue
__ Proofreading!!
__Illustrations are creative
__Presentation shows time/effort
__Project is completed on time

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