Friday, May 2, 2014

Week of May 5th, 2014

On Monday, we will do English and reading. We will do pg. 241 in the English book, #s 54-63.  This is a review of adverbs/adjectives. We will go over the Recipe Writing project which will be due on Tuesday, May 13. Students will be given a rubric for this assignment. There will be no class time given for this project. Students will then complete the Quiz Time sheet for chapters 10-15 in "Worms".

Tuesday will include homework assignments.  Students will work in their English books, pg. 245 #s 106-110 & 116-121.  Students will read pgs. 60-73 in “Worms”.  There will be an English worksheet and a vocabulary crossword for homework.

Wednesday will be a full day.  We will continue the review of modifiers by completing #s 1-16 on pg. 256.  They will read pgs. 74-82 in “Worms” and complete the comprehension sheet for those chapters.

Thursday will be the same as the previous days.  Today’s silent reading pages are pgs. 83-95.  We will work on pg. 250 of the English book, #s 1-14.  Homework will be the unit test for “Worms”.

Friday will bring completion of both units. Students will finish reading “Worms”.  They will complete the comprehension packet and hand it in at the end of the hour. The unit test homework is also due by the end of the hour.  Today will also be the last day for modifiers in English.

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